Reverse Autoimmune Protocol & Books
Does this Protocol Actually Work?
Our full protocol involves 5 simple steps. We have found these steps to be extremely effective for every autoimmune disease they've been applied to.
To date, we have seen this protocol greatly improve or reverse the following conditions:
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
- Graves disease
- Sjogren’s syndrome
- Autoimmune hepatitis
- Crohn’s disease
- Celiac disease
- Ulcerative colitis
- Ankylosing spondylitis
- Raynaud's syndrome
- Diabetes
- Chronic muscle and joint pain
- Chronic stomach pain
- Psoriasis, eczema
- Rashes and Hives
- Fungal infections
- Food allergies
- Chronic fatigue
- Brain fog
- Leaky gut
- Gut dysbiosis
- Migraines and headaches
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Food allergies
- Neuropathy and tingling
The 5 Steps
Remove toxic foods and environmental toxins
Obviously you weren’t born with an autoimmune disease.
Something happened in between when you were healthy and where you are now.
The big question is what?
For years we have searched the scientific literature and many other sources to find the cause of autoimmune diseases.
Though it’s not common knowledge, the medical and scientific research is full of proof showing exactly what’s causing autoimmune diseases.

We have found 14 common toxins that consistently show up over and over which induce an autoimmune response in the body.
To make it very simple, we’ve condensed them down to four categories of autoimmune triggering toxin groups.

- Epstein-Bar Virus
- Lyme
- Adenovirus 12
- Mold
- Heavy metals
Inflammatory Diet

- Highly processed foods
- High saturated fat
- Gluten
- Dairy
Toxic Environmental Chemicals

- Medications
- Glyphosate
- Pesticides and insecticides
- Food additives
- Cleaning and beauty products
- Vaccinations

Linked to causing:
- Inflammation
- Leaky Gut
- Stomach pain and indigestion
- Insomnia
- Chronic pain
Typically, it’s a combination of several of these toxin groups working together that cause an autoimmune disorder.
Upon realizing this, I felt that I needed a simple place to begin.
Here's some of the basics from diet that I used to get started.
- Eat 50% fruits and vegetables and less processed foods: Start every lunch with a big salad. Have a green smoothie for breakfast or dinner.
- Eat organic: This goes specifically for anything on the Dirty Dozen list.
- No gluten: Wheat is probably the most common autoimmune allergen.
- No dairy: Dairy is probably the second most common autoimmune allergen out there.

“I’m feeling so much better already!! I’m on day 3 of following the autoimmune protocol. I LOVE YOUR RECIPES!! The vegan parmesan was a perfect topping to the lasagna! Serious good flavor!! I am working on buying all the supplements and getting into the routine I’m so thankful…”
—Laura K., Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

“I feel SO much better than I used to... My headaches are mostly gone, as are the crippling episodes of exhaustion, and even the bumps on my arms and thighs. I have a ways to go, but I'm learning to incorporate more and more of the suggestions into my lifestyle. I can't imagine going back. I just feel too good and wouldn't be able to look at those foods the same way anymore.”
—Sara A.

“One of the first things I implemented was going sugar free and then eliminating things from my diet that were irritants that I didn’t know were irritants but actually are and the inflammation went down immediately. I started noticing that my flareups were less frequent and then almost nonexistent… my diet I had switched over to was giving me less indigestion, and making me feel less inflammation so I feel like the diet change really made a difference.”
—Faith H., Rheumatoid arthritis

“Autoimmune anti inflammatory diet greatly reduced many issues and my skin looks a good deal better these days. The diet is based on avoiding foods/chemicals that cause inflammatory reactions in our body … I also clean with vinegar water and only use bleach on bathroom fixtures … also made a difference.”
Focus on buying natural, chemical-free products:
Here’s an easy rule of thumb. Read the ingredients — if you can’t pronounce most of them, put it back. Buy only natural cleaning products, laundry detergent, and personal care products.
The majority of people don’t realize that the many chemicals we surround ourselves with are very toxic and harmful.
Only 250 of the 84,000 chemicals registered for commercial use in the U.S. have actually been tested by government agencies.1 That’s less than 1%!
What the scientific literature brings out is that these chemicals build up in the body and begin a slow poisoning process that lays a foundation of autoimmune diseases. 2 3 4
My fungal skin infection which was tied to my autoimmune disease was at its worst when we were living in an area where I was regularly exposed to environmental chemicals in the air from agriculture. Right after we moved, I got much better.

“I used to get bad rashes and hives just from anything touching my skin including non-fabric items. It's part of the overactive immune system we have. I only found lasting relief after I really cleaned up my diet a lot and also switched to natural soap, lotion, etc.”
—Anonymous“When I stopped eating wheat and corn it went away. If I expose my hands to chemicals like dish soap, paint thinner, cleaning supplies it will cause a reaction…”
—Anonymous, Hashimoto’s and Eczema
1 “TRI National Analysis 2014.” EPA Environmental Protection Agency. 2014.
2. Pollard KM, Hultman P, Kono DH. “Toxicology of Autoimmune Diseases.” Chemical Research in Toxicology, 23.3 (15 Mar. 2010): 455–466.
3. B, Accarelli A, Bollati V. “Epigenetics and environmental chemicals.” Current Opinion in Pediatrics 21.2 (2009): 243-251.
4. Reeves WH, et al. “Induction of autoimmunity by pristane and other naturally-occurring hydrocarbons.” Trends in immunology. 2009;30(9):455-464.
Heal the leaky gut
Leaky gut syndrome has been found to be a factor in every autoimmune disease in which its presence has been investigated.
What is leaky gut?
Leaky gut is when the wall of your small intestine becomes damaged and permeable (meaning it gets holes in it). These holes in the small intestine allow large particles of undigested food, bad bacteria, and toxic waste to leak out into your bloodstream. Your immune system recognizes these foreign invaders in your body and attacks them. Unfortunately, your own tissues can get caught in the friendly cross-fire causing an autoimmune disease.

In our journey, we’ve learned many natural remedies to quickly heal leaky gut. Here’s a recipe for one of my favorite ones, the potato onion anti-inflammatory healing soup.
- 1 red onion, organic, cut in large pieces
- 1 potato, organic, cut in large pieces
- 2 inches orange peel, organic
- 1 inch fresh ginger, minced
- 1 inch fresh turmeric, minced (or 1 tsp turmeric powder)
- 1 tsp Himalayan salt (or other unrefined full mineral salt)
- coconut milk (optional)

Bring all of the ingredients except the coconut milk to a boil, then simmer for 30 minutes until the potatoes are tender. Add a spoonful of coconut milk to each bowl when serving to give it a rich, creamy taste.
This recipe did amazing things for my digestion. I ate this soup or drank the broth before going to bed each night. If I start having stomach pain or trouble digesting food, after several rounds of this soup my stomach goes back to normal.
Potatoes contains certain atropine alkaloids which have properties to heal gastrointestinal inflammation.5 6 Onions are some of the highest plant sources of quercetin, a powerful antioxidant which is anti-inflammatory, and anti-allergenic.7 Additionally, turmeric, ginger, and orange peel are some of the most potent anti-inflammatory foods in nature. It’s a powerful soup.
Cheryl reported that 10 years of stomach burning was decreased in just 10 days on this protocol! (5-step protocol with assistance at Years Restored)

“I use to have joint pain in hands and [it’s] not there that much anymore. Also I’m remembering better, recalling is easier that it was before. I had burning in my stomach more than ten years. It has decreased.”
—Cheryl, Joint pain, stomach burning, brain fog

“I have already made several of the changes to my regimen listed in the book... It has been only 3 or 4 weeks, but I have experienced a vast improvement in bowel movements, energy level, and lessening of stomach upset. Thank you!”
—Jan, Crohn’s disease

“My eyes are no longer yellow, and a mysterious undiagnosable stomach pain is gone!”
—Ryan, Stomach pain and suspected autoimmune hepatitis
5. Mendel Friedman, “Potato Glycoalkaloids and Metabolites: Roles in the Plant andin the Diet.” J. Agric. Food Chem.2006,54,8655−8681
6. M. Umadevi 1 , P.K. Sampath Kumar, et. al “Health Benefits and Cons of Solanum tuberosum” Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 2013 p.22
7. Chirumbolo S. “The role of quercetin, flavonols and flavones in modulating inflammatory cell function.” Inflammation and Allergy Drug Targets 9.4 (Sept. 2010): 263-285.
Studies have shown that virtually all autoimmune sufferers are deficient in certain key vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D,8 folate (B9) and B12,9 as well as zinc, copper, iron, manganese, and magnesium.10
Remember this simple phrase, “Malnourished bodies malfunction.”
This is exactly what’s happening with autoimmunity.
I knew I wanted to heal fast, and I knew it would take a high-nutrient diet to heal from the years of damage done to my organs and tissues. What I found was that by far the best way to get high amounts of nutrients into my body quickly was not supplements, but juicing fresh organic vegetables.
Organic produce is where the nutrients are in the highest quantities, especially in the dark leafy greens.
There’s even one vitamin that works better than all the drug steroids! It increases your immune system’s ability to differentiate between your own tissues and foreign invaders which is the essence of autoimmunity.
I’ll share a resource on that later.
Drinking one freshly made 10 oz juice 4-6 days a week is effective in replenishing those vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
Here’s a favorite juice recipe I used that gave me amazing success.
The Super Nutrifier
- 3-4 midsize leaves of swiss chard, kale, or collard greens
- 3-4 celery stalks
- 6 carrots
- 1 apple
- 1 inch fresh turmeric
- 1 inch fresh ginger
This is probably our most popular juice recipe for those who are trying our 5-step protocol. Many are using these ingredients as a base recipe for their juices with great results.

Many have shared their success with us.
“I’ve been juicing everyday and eating a lot of organic and non-GMO foods. It’s helped me become healthier and on the road to healing.”
— Desirae“Nutrifying! Juicing a lot, getting those nutrients is important and I feel like I have more energy after which is exciting because I am able to do more.”
— Faith H., Rheumatoid arthritis“The Lord has truly blessed me and I was encouraged and inspired by your testimony. My gut deterioration really needs to be addressed, with personal guidelines to follow for future maintenance and for healing. In the meantime I’m juicing, following the recipes outline in your book.”
— Henriette, Scleroderma, Raynaud’s
Henriette later reported that after doing both this step and step four (the next one) her brain fog and many food allergies cleared up. After just a few days, she felt total relief after 40 years of abdomen pain and irritation!
8. Schoindre Y, Jallouli M, Tanguy M, et al, “Lower vitamin D levels are associated with higher systemic lupus erythematosus activity, but not predictive of disease flare-up.” Lupus Science & Medicine 1.1 (7 June 2014): e000027.
9. V reugdenhil G, Wognum AW , van Eijk HG, Swaak AJ. “Anaemia in rheumatoid arthritis: the role of iron, vitamin B12, and folic acid deficiency, and erythropoietin responsiveness.” Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 49.2 (Feb. 1990): 93-98.
10. Yilmaz A, Sari RA, et al. “Trace elements and some extracellular antioxidant proteins levels in serum of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.” Clinical Rheumatology 24.4 (Aug. 2005): 331–335.
Many of the worst autoimmune symptoms are due to stored toxins in the body. Most people don’t realize that toxins get stored in the body and can accumulate for years. Toxins such as heavy metals, chemicals, drugs, viruses, and bacteria are often stored in the body’s fat tissue, liver, kidneys, and even the brain. The onset of autoimmunity itself is typically triggered by these toxins.
Unfortunately these toxins don’t just come out on their own, and since we are exposed to poisonous toxins regularly we need to be intentional about removing them with fasting and special cleansing agents.
It’s when people cleanse that we see the most drastic changes in their health. Joint pain is gone, headaches go away, energy returns, depression is lifted, stomach pain dissolves, inflammation calms down, eczema subsides, blood sugar levels drop, and the list goes on.
This is probably the most powerful step, and the results we see here are typically incredible.
Here's what people are saying.

“I have suffered from psoriasis for over 20 years and debilitating migraines longer... low vitamin D, and elevated ANA levels that prompted additional testing to reveal Sjorgen's Syndrome. It’s only been a few weeks since following your plan, but I feel the difference. I have not had a migraine, my psoriasis is clearing up, I still have a ways to go but I am encouraged to continue with the lifestyle change. God bless you and your family.”
— Veronica / Psoriasis and Sjorgen’s syndrome

“I have lots of energy and no longer suffer from fatigue… my TSH hormone goes down and the thyroid hormone goes up… Thanks again for the book.”
— Jacqueline, Hypothyroidism and fatigue
“About 15 months ago, I started experiencing dry eye and fatigue. I am most the way back, but still have some progress to be made. Praise God!”
— Darkree / Sjögren’s Syndrome symptoms
“Helped me understand more natural ways to deal with pain, thank you.”
—Yvette, Chronic pain syndrome
Remove chronic stress
Studies clearly show that our bodies receive physical damage such as gut deterioration due to negative emotions.11 Many autoimmune patients report their symptoms starting after a stress event like a divorce, pregnancy, loss of a loved one or dealing with a difficult relationship.
Therefore we have to know how to deal with stress in our lives and repair from the damage of past stress. We are not just physical being but also spiritual. Not knowing how to deal with negative emotions can prevent this entire 5-step program from working and can cause an autoimmune disease to pop up over and over again.
From 10 years working as a Christian motivational speaker, my wife and I have traveled internationally, helping hundreds of people deal with chronic stress in their live in a healthy way.
Here are a few of my best practices for effectively removing stress.

- 30 minutes daily connecting with God through prayer and Bible reading
- 30 minute walk in nature 5 days a week
- 15 minutes hot bath with epsom salt (magnesium) 2-3 times a week
- Walking through the 4 steps of forgiveness (as listed in our book) when tempted to be bitter
People are experiencing remarkable results.
“I had too many nightmares and tears over this… Your story inspired me not to get depressed or suicidal. It gave me hope after terrible depression!! All the best to you!”
—Kilian, Rheumatoid arthritis, ADHD“I had been perfectly healthy my whole life. Then within 3 years, I began experiencing all the 10 symptoms in your video. I was being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, pancreatic issues, hiatal esophageal hernia, kidney stones, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, possible primary biliary cirrhosis… It was too much in a short time and the doctors weren’t listening. I had a nervous breakdown and experienced major depression. By God’s grace, I had a BioFeedback test done… AMAZING! All the same suggestions you make in your book. The results were amazing in a mere few months. Feeling better with no more hot/cold sweats, headaches gone, more energy than ever, no bloating or constipation, consistent bowel movements, no crying or depression, no anxiety, spirits up. Husband has noticed amazing improvement. Gabriel Arruda explained symptoms of my health journey with clear understandable language. Also explained natural treatments and plans used to reverse autoimmune disease.”
—Ayala, Primary biliary cirrhosis, type 2 diabetesI am so thankful that you are willing to share your story. It is giving me hope. Blessings,
- Linda, Ulcerative Colitis
11. Campbell, AW. “Autoimmunity and the Gut.” Autoimmune Diseases. 2014;152428.
Learn the Full Protocol
Would you like to learn the exact protocol that I and these people followed?
Learn all of the details in our 142-page book:
- How to practically do the 5-step plan that reversed my autoimmune disease
- The root cause of autoimmune diseases
- Which specific tests to get including for food sensitivies
- The specific diet that stopped my autoimmune disease in its tracks
- How to cook and eat out on an autoimmune reversal diet
- Specialized autoimmune juice recipes
- 7 easy, cheap, natural therapies to heal a leaky gut
- Cleansing and detox methods
- My step-by-step hourly schedule of the 10-day cleanse I did
- How to safely detox heavy metals, chemicals, and mold
- How to cure infections like Lyme, Epstein-Barr, Candida, and parasites
- How I successfully eliminated rashes and skin fungus
- How to fix neuro-immune issues like depression, anxiety, insomnia, and chronic pain
- How to effectively deal with chronic stress
- How to heal from deep traumatic childhood wounds
- Ancient Bible secrets for superior health
- Exciting new research backed by over 100 scientific studies

To learn more click below
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