Anti-inflammatory Healing Soup
vegan, gluten-free, soy-free, oil-free, *but NOT taste-free

Healing a leaky gut is the foundational key in beginning to reverse an autoimmune disease. One of the best things to heal leaky gut is this amazingly delicious and comforting Anti-inflammatory Healing Soup. Nearly every single ingredient in this simple soup is extremely potent to heal a damaged gut — the onion, potato, turmeric, ginger, orange peel, coconut. They are all very anti-inflammatory. But let me break it down a little more.
Onion is one of the highest sources of quercetin. Quercetin is a powerful antioxidant which is anti-viral, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-allergenic. Quercetin is incredibly healing to your small intestine. It seals the gut and acts as an antihistamine. Italian parsley and dill weed are also very high in quercetin.

Turmeric is about 5% curcumin, its powerful anti-inflammatory component. It is so powerful of an anti-inflammatory, I have used it for inflammatory pain from an injury and found it to be as effective as pain medications (but of course without any damage to my kidneys and liver). It is more effective when taken with quercetin and some kind of fat, hence the perfect combination of the turmeric, onion and coconut milk in the soup. Hmm… sounds like a delicious curry dish to me. A recent study even revealed that curcumin was as effective as medications in managing depression.
(Sanmukhani J, et al. “Efficacy and Safety of Curcumin in Major Depressive Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial.” Phytotherapy Research. 2014 Apr;28(4):579-85.)

The potato is like an internal poultice to the small intestine. However, in serious conditions, some people have such a damaged gut that they could have trouble with night shades and many other foods. In serious cases such as this, you can do a 48-72 hour onion broth fast — only drinking the broth from a chopped onion with the salt.
Beyond how healing this soup is, I was amazed at how incredibly delicious it was the first time I had it. It is warm and comforting, especially knowing how helpful it is in healing a leaky gut. My husband would eat this soup almost every night as the last thing he ate or drank before going to bed to coat and heal his small intestine lining as he was in the process of healing his autoimmune hepatitis.
Anti-Inflammatory Healing Soup
vegan, gluten-free, soy-free, oil-free, *but NOT taste-free
1 red onion, organic, cut in large pieces
1 potato, organic, cut in large pieces
2 inches orange peel, organic
1 inch fresh ginger, minced
1 inch fresh turmeric, minced (or 1 tsp turmeric powder)
1 tsp Himalayan salt (or other unrefined full mineral salt)
coconut milk (optional)
Put in enough water to cover the vegetables by about a half inch
Bring all of the ingredients (except the coconut milk) to a boil, then simmer for 30 minutes until the potatoes are tender. Add a spoonful of coconut milk to each bowl when serving to give it a rich, creamy taste.
I ate this soup or drank the broth before going to bed to coat and heal the small intestine lining. In serious conditions, you can do a 48-72 hour onion broth fast — only drinking the broth from a chopped onion with the salt.