The most popular form of treatment for autoimmune diseases is medications. However most autoimmune sufferers don't realize what these medications are actually doing to their bodies and how damaging they are. Though well intentioned, for the most part medications is the only resource that doctors have to help you with. Most likely these will be steroids, which will NEVER cure your autoimmune disease.
It can be disturbing to find out what these drugs actually do. In the above video watch as I compare a list of common autoimmune disease symptoms and common autoimmune drug side effects, you'll be shocked.
Lupus Drug Side Effects and Lupus Symptoms
For instance, one of the symptoms of the disease lupus is hair loss and yet one of the side effects of lupus immuno-suppressive drugs is hair loss. Also a common lupus symptom is fever and one of the lupus drug side effect is fever. Weight gain is a lupus symtpom, and weight gain is also a lupus drug side effect. The same goes for muscle weakness, depression and so forth. Many of effects of the disease and the side effects from the drugs are the EXACT SAME! It’s crazy! Even insulting! What’s worse? The Disease or The drugs to treat the disease? I’m not sure. And this is just lupus. The drugs for other autoimmune diseases are no better.
Consider the following statement in the list of side effects for the lupus drug Benlysta.
“In clinical studies, people taking Benlysta reported more deaths and serious infections than those not taking the drug."
Are you serious? Is anyone paying attention to the side effects list before they take this drug.
The False Dismal Outlook
Why would people take such harmful and ridiculous drugs so readily? I submit it is because the established medical community has caused everyone to buy into the idea that they are your only option. Everyone is saying that autoimmune disease have, “no known cure…”
“The cause of lupus is not known.”
“The cause of MS is still unknown.”
“Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition, meaning it lasts a long time — possibly a lifetime.”
Or that the only way to handle the disease is taking drugs that:
“almost always needs to be taken for the rest of a person's life…”
Therefore the answers seem to be medications, medications, medications and probably for the rest of your life! Is that the way you really want to live?
I thank God that I was able to heal my autoimmune disease without taking one single medication, by using a totally natural approach which I did at home. And I’ve seen others do the same.
Don't Do This!
In addition, I need to mention that I've seen people just stop all their medications but then do nothing else. Don't do this! Stopping the use of medications is just one small piece of a larger puzzle. If you're going to stop using medications you make sure you're doing so under the supervision of a competent physician, and that you are taking other steps to address the underlying health issue that has caused the symptoms that your medications were treating.
If you would like to learn more about how I was able to reverse my autoimmune liver cirrhosis and fungal skin rash without taking any medications, you can do so since I'm currently offering the limited edition of my eBook, "How I Reversed My Autoimmune Disease" totally free. Just click here.
I hope this video and post has been informative and helpful to you.