Gabriel Arruda
Author, Avid Health Researcher, and Autoimmune Survivor

Since reversing his autoimmune disease in 2013 Gabriel has authored four books, dozens of articles and has traveled nationally and internationally with his wife appearing on TV and radio speaking on autoimmune diseases and how to reverse them.
Gabriel has had the privilege to learn from and work with some of the best autoimmune experts in existence and continues to apply the most up to date information about autoimmune reversal.

Gabriel has personal experience in assisting in the improvement of the following conditions:
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Graves' disease, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren’s syndrome, PCOS, Diabetes, ALS, Crohn’s disease, autoimmune hepatitis, insomnia, chronic muscle and joint pain, chronic stomach pain, rashes, fungal infections, fatigue, brain fog, leaky gut, migraines and headache, depression, anxiety, food allergies, and dry burning eyes.
Whether you are just experiencing symptoms with no diagnosis, have just been diagnosed, or have suffered with your disease for decades his knowledge of the most effective protocols for autoimmune diseases, and answers to many of it’s “mysteries” makes his information relevant to those at any stage of their illness.
You’ll be able to learn about your condition, understand why your experiencing the symptoms you are, understand why your labs test don’t always show you have a problem, and hear about proven protocols for you condition that have helped thousands of autoimmune patients.
Schedule an appointment today with Gabriel and get started.

60-Minute One-On-One Phone or Skype Consultation
In this 60-minute one-on-one phone or Skype consultation get all your questions answered and learn the diet, therapies, and protocols that have worked for many others in your same situation.