About our Book
How I Reversed My Autoimmune Disease

Suffering with an autoimmune disease? So was I. Now I’m in full remission! After my healing my wife and I decided to write our 142-page book explaining all the details of the 5-step plan I used to completely reverse my autoimmune disease.
It also includes the latest research and techniques that many health professionals today are using to reverse autoimmune diseases in their patients.
$34.00 $25.00
An Overview

What you'll learn in the book:
- How to do the 5 steps that reversed my autoimmune disease
- What are the root causes of autoimmune diseases
- How to cure infections like Lyme, Epstein-Barr, Candida, and parasites
- The specific diet that stopped my autoimmune disease in its tracks
- How to cook and eat out on an autoimmune reversal diet
- What supplements are beneficial and which are a waste of time
- How to safely detox heavy metals, mold, and chemicals
- 7 easy, cheap, natural therapies that heal leaky gut
- How to know which tests to get
- How to remove chronic stress
- How to fix neuro-immmune issues like depression, anxiety, insomnia, and chronic pain
- Which foods to get organic and which are not necessary
- Specialized autoimmune juice recipes
- How I eliminated rashes and skin fungus
- The hour-by-hour daily schedule I did that totally reversed my autoimmune disease
- Exciting new research
- Backed by over 100 medical studies
Also comes with The Autoimmune Manual. This 20-page manual includes:
- Step-by-step guidelines on reversing autoimmunity
- Interactive checklists and graphs
- How to understand tests and bloodwork
- Suggested detoxing schedules
- Total program timelines

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Through this 5-Step Plan, I was able to overcome:

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Experiencing any of these symptoms?
- Food allergies or sensitivities
- Stomach cramping, bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea
- Thyroid issues
- Fatigue, exhaustion
- Inability to gain or lose weight
- Depression, anxiety
- Brainfog, headaches
- Eczema
- Skin rashes especially on the nose, cheeks, hands
- Joint pain, stiffness, neuropathy
- Asthma
- Dry, thinning hair
- Sun or light sensitivity
- ADHD, ADD, Autism
- Trouble getting pregnant

If so then chances are you have an autoimmune disease.
The 5-Step Plan I Used to Heal My Autoimmune Disease
Remove foods and toxins that are damaging the gut
Heal the leaky gut
Remove chronic stress
Remove toxic foods and environmental toxins
The cause of autoimmune disease can be summed up in one word. Toxins! It's just a matter of finding out what toxins are in each persons particular situation.
Where Are They Found?
These toxins come from a variety of sources. Here are 14 common sources of toxins that trigger and autoimmune response in the body.
- Pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides,
- Heavy metals
- Bad gut bacteria overgrowth
- Molds
- Viral Infections
- Bacterial Infections
- GMOs
- Gluten (Modern Hybridized)
- Chronic stress
- Vaccinations
- Genetic Mutations
- Poor Diet
- Medications
- Chemicals: Organic Solvents

Not everyone reacts to the same toxins. The key is in understanding which toxins are in YOUR situation and completely avoiding them.
Heal the leaky gut
When the body identifies something we ingest as a toxin, it attacks. Therefore, if we're continually ingesting foods the body is identifying as toxins, our immune system is continually attacking them. This constant attacking occurs primarily in the small intestine because this is where the body's first line of defense against invaders is. The results of this continual attacking is damage and inflammation in the small intestine which results in leaky gut. Leaky gut is one of the main factors in all autoimmune diseases, so if you have an autoimmune disease you probably also have a leaky gut.
What is leaky gut?
Leaky gut is when the wall of your small intestine becomes damaged and permeable (meaning it gets holes in it). These holes in the small intestine allow large particles of undigested food, bad bacteria and toxic waste to leak out into your bloodstream. Your immune system recognizes these foreign invaders in your body and attacks them. Unfortunately, your own tissues can get caught in the friendly cross-fire and this is one of the main causes of autoimmune conditions.

To heal my leaky gut we used 7 easy natural remedies. On our recipes page I share the onion and potato broth soup recipe which is one of the specific remedies I used to heal my damaged gut. I drank it almost every night before going to bed which was incredibly powerful in healing my digestive tract. It's an amazing recipe because it's simple, delicious and powerful in healing leaky guts.
Our small intestine is where most of the nutrients from the food we eat get absorbed into our bodies. Since damaged vilii in the small intestine comes along with all autoimmune diseases, we are not going to be absorbing nutrients like we need to which results in being malnourished in key nutrients, vitamins and minerals. A whole host of side effects can stem from this problem.
It takes a high-nutrient diet to heal from the years of damage done to your organs and tissues from an autoimmune disease. The high-nutrient diet that stopped my autoimmune in its tracks consists of specific, organic, anti-inflammatory foods that assist the body in repairing itself.
What foods did I use to help repair my body from many years of damage? Plants! Lot's of em. That's where most of the nutrients are. There's even one vitamin that works better than all the drug steroids! It increases your immune system’s ability to differentiate between your own tissues and foreign invaders. I'll share more about where you can find the information about this below.
We are exposed to poisonous toxins regularly and many of these toxins get stored in our body. As these toxins build up they can become very problematic causing many physical issues. In Step 1, I discussed about the need to prevent toxins from coming in, but there is still the need to cleanse out of the body the toxins that have been accumulating for years. Until these are removed from the body, they will continue to create fatigue, headaches, rashes and other symptoms.
It's when people cleanse that we see the most drastic changes in their health. Tumors shrink, blood sugar levels drop, chronic headaches go away, energy returns, depression is reversed, stomach pain subsides, inflammation calms down, eczema begins to subside and the list goes on. When administered properly a good cleanse is like hitting the reset button on your body.
Remove chronic stress
Studies clearly show that our bodies receive physical damage due to negative emotions. This negative physical impact is very similar to the effects of autoimmunity in the body. Chronic stress results in chronic inflammation and disease. The National Institutes of Health published an article in the journal Autoimmune Diseases in which it says, “chronic stress affects the composition of the gut microbiota” and “chronic stress also makes the gut leaky.”7 When we are stressed, our hypothalamus releases hormones that signal the pituitary and adrenal glands to release stress steroids such as adrenaline and cortisol.
Not knowing how to deal with emotional baggage and negative emotions can prevent this entire 5-step program from working. Even if you have been healing physically, unresolved negative emotions can cause your autoimmune disease to pop up over and over again.
As a motivational speaker, I’ve spent over 10 years traveling the nation helping hundreds of people deal with chronic stress in their lives. The methods I described in our Book are the ones I have been using for years. I have personally seen them bring healing and radically change the outlook of every person who puts them into practice.
(7) Campbell, AW. “Autoimmunity and the Gut.” Autoimmune Diseases. 2014;152428.

The Genetic Factor
There is a very strong genetic link with autoimmune diseases. Often autoimmune disease manifest in “family clusters” where multiple family members have symptoms of autoimmune diseases.
In my family, there are six members including myself that have had an autoimmune disease.
Probably the most common genetic mutation in autoimmune patients is the MTHFR gene mutation. This gene mutation hinders the bodies from completing 250 crucial biochemical reactions.
In short, the results of this gene mutation are that you will have a malnourished and malfunctioning immune system and nervous system. This is not good!
Consequently, it has been found that a very large number of people who have the MTHFR gene mutation suffer from neuro-immune syndromes like depression, anxiety, insomnia, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, and many other autoimmune related disorders.
I have it. And I've found that all of the autoimmune sufferers I personally know who have been tested for this gene mutation come out positive.
This means that you can be doing all the right things to heal your autoimmune disease and yet still never fully heal because you have a problem at a genetic level that isn't being addressed. You will be trying and trying but just spinning your tires.
In our research, we found a product that bypasses the common genetic abnormality in autoimmune sufferers.
In my eBook I share exactly how to get tested for this gene mutation. I also share about the neuro-immune stabelizing cream I found that counteracted my gene mutation. Because of my diet and this cream, I was able to see my fungal skin infection improve by 90% in a week.
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My Story
In December 1998, my mother became very sick and was eventually diagnosed with autoimmune liver cirrhosis. Her health rapidly deteriorated. She almost died on three separate occasions. Finally in the year 2000, by God’s grace she received a last-minute liver transplant that saved her life.
Then in 2001, my grandmother (my mom’s mom) was diagnosed with autoimmune liver cirrhosis. Unfortunately she was unable to get a liver transplant, and she died in 2002.
For 12 years, my mother’s health was good and all seemed well. But in 2012, Mom's liver cirrhosis symptoms came back. Mom fought the disease, but unfortunately this time she didn't win. In April of 2013 my mom died of autoimmune disease cirrhosis.
Mom's passing was crushing. My mother and I were very close. We shared the same birthday, and we had a very good relationship. My birthdays have never been the same since, and I will always miss her.
Later that same year that my mother died, after testing myself, I found out that I had the same autoimmune disease that killed my mother and grandmother. My grandmother died at 84 and my mother would have died at 56 were it not for the transplant. I knew that I would die younger than them both if something didn't happen soon.
Lab tests found that my liver enzymes were abnormal. I also received a list of 15 different foods that my body was having an autoimmune reaction to.

Mom, healthy and happy just years before her diagnosis.

Grandma Tonita

Mom, just two months after her liver transplant, swollen from all of the heavy steroids she was on.

Mom's funeral. I am the one closest to the camera carrying her casket.

Me with my lab report showing the 15 different foods to which I was having an autoimmune reaction.

My skin fungus flared up at one of its worst points.
It Got Worse
After eating certain foods, I would experience fatigue, headaches, and sometimes terrible migraines. I had trouble sleeping. Due to my autoimmune disorder, I also developed a terrible skin fungus that covered a third of my entire body. I would wake up in the middle of the night itching so badly I would bleed. I had to change my diet radically almost overnight. At times I felt miserable. Several times I had to take months off from work because of the seriousness of the issue.
But Then It Got Better
By divine appointment, God introduced me to the most cutting-edge autoimmune treatment protocol there is. After faithfully doing this protocol, in just nine months from the time of my diagnosis, I had bloodwork done and, praise the Lord, all of my inflammation markers were negative! My body is showing no more signs of autoimmune disease. After several more years of experimenting with different treatments for my skin fungus, my skin fungus is completely healed too!!

All autoimmune markers = NEGATIVE
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