What Causes Autoimmune Diseases?
One reoccurring theme you see over and over again in the scientific literature about autoimmune diseases is that they are caused by the combination of genetics and environmental toxins. 1 2 3
So what are these environmental toxins causing autoimmune diseases and where are they found?
This is exactly what these videos and article is all about.
Watch, read, and learn to protect yourself from environmental toxins in your own kitchen from causing or worsening your autoimmune disease.
Part 1 - GMOs
Part 2 - Household Chemicals
Part 3 - Wheat

Autoimmune Toxin #1 — GMOs

What are GMOs?
GMOs or “Genetically Modified Organisms” are plants that have had their DNA artificially modified at a genetic level. This artificial modification involves combining the DNA of plants with animal, bacteria, or viruses creating organisms that do not occur in nature or by normal crossbreeding methods. The purpose of this genetic modification is to enable the plants to withstand deadly doses of herbicides and pesticides.
Is There A Link With GMOs and Autoimmune Diseases?
Yes! GMO's cause conditions which are at the foundation of virtually all autoimmune diseases.
GMO's cause:
- Leaky gut syndrome
- Gut Dysbiosis (a disrupted gut bacteria)
- Cell death (contains toxins lethal to human cells)
Leaky Gut
Leaky gut happens when the intestines gets so damaged that holes form in its walls.
The intestinal wall is lined with a protective layer that absorbs nutrients but keeps out harmful substances from getting into the bloodstream. But when leaky gut occurs, particles of toxins and bad bacteria from the digestive tract can enter into the bloodstream which triggers autoimmune and allergic reactions all over the body.
Leaky gut is one of the main steps in the development of an autoimmune disease and has been found every time its presence was investigated in an autoimmune disease.4 GMOs cause leaky gut through glyphosate, the poisonous chemical that they're sprayed with. This chemical has been proven to damage the small intestine.

Here are frames of a video showing an actual lab experiment in which glyphosate degraded the tight junctions cells of the small intestine in just 16 minutes!

Photo Courtesy of: restore4life
Gut Dysbiosis
Researches have found “clear evidence that glyphosate disrupts gut bacteria.”5 Why is this important?
An imbalance of gut bacteria has been found in every autoimmune disease in which its presence has been investigated. 6
And this disruption in gut bacteria is also directly linked to other health conditions such as:
“gastrointestinal disorders, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression, autism, infertility, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.” 7

GMO Corn
Another example of intestinal damage by GMOs can be found in genetically modified corn which produces its own bacteria called Bt-toxin that kills insects by exploding their stomachs after eating it. For this reason, Bt-toxin is often called the “hole-punching toxin” since it punches holes in the bugs digestive tracts.
However a 2013 study that looked at the effects of Bt insecticidal toxins on humans found that it’s also lethal to human cells.8 Not surprising, is it? This combined with loads of clinical evidence suggest that GMO corn is probably “punching holes” in our digestive tracts also.

Autoimmune Toxin #2 - Personal Care and Cleaning Chemicals

There are specific chemicals which have been proven by research to have a strong link to developing autoimmune diseases. Unpacking the details behind this topic also helps explain the mystery of why women get autoimmune diseases more than men.
So which chemicals are they?
Organic Solvents
Studies have found a strong relationship with autoimmune diseases and a class of chemicals called organic solvents.
Look at the research from this 2012 study called, “Organic Solvents as Risk Factor for Autoimmune Diseases.”
“We found a significant association between OSs (Organic solvents) exposure and the increased risk of developing an autoimmune trait” 9
Where Are They Found?
Organic solvents are typically used to dissolve substances or for cleaning things.
Commonly found in:
- polishes
- waxes
- spot removers
- rug cleaners
- glues
- degreasers
- personal care products, nail polish remover
- all purpose household cleaners

Regularly breathing or having skin contact with cleaning products that contain chemicals in the organic solvents category is linked to developing an autoimmune disease. There are 40 something chemicals in this category and most of us couldn't pronounce 90% of them. One of them is 29 letters long! So instead of attempting the daunting task of trying to memorize all these chemicals to the point where you could identify them on labels I found you can accomplish the same goal by just applying a good rule of thumb.
Just stick with natural cleaning products.
If you can’t pronounce it, you probably shouldn't clean with it or put it on your body because it could be an organic solvent leading to an autoimmune disease. There are many excellent natural cleaning agents like vinegar, lemon, and baking soda, and there are even whole companies that are committed to only putting out natural cleaning products.
Why Are Women Getting Autoimmunity More Than Men?
10ore than 75% of all autoimmune patients are women.10 Women have 90% of all thyroid diseases, and they make up 90% of all lupus sufferers.11
Why? These figures are too high to just be chance. Most professionals agree that there is something going on that causes women to be so disproportionally afflicted with autoimmune diseases.

It’s estimated by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) that the average women applies 168 chemicals to her body every day via the use of personal care products. In contrast, men only apply half that number.12
And many of these chemicals are known to contribute to autoimmunity.
Here are few examples ...

The autoimmune disease primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC), has been associated with exposure to nail polish.13
Who’s using this product the most?

Also over 400 different types of lipsticks contain lead.
That represents about 60-80% of all on the market.
Your lipstick very well may have lead!
Another study found that hair dyes are linked with causing autoimmune diseases.14
Again, who’s using these products the most? Women.
Are you getting the picture as to why women are so effected by autoimmunity?

The Environmental Defense, a Canada-based group, issued an alarming report. They tested 49 popular beauty products for eight different heavy metals, and here’s what they found:
Arsenic - 20%
Cadmium - 51%
Lead - 96%
Mercury - 0%
Nickel - 100%
Beryllium - 90%
Thallium - 61%
Selenium - 14%

Did you notice that lead, nickel, and beryllium were found in 90-100% of the 49 tested beauty products. Don’t be fooled, heavy metal poisoning directly contributes to autoimmunity and can absolutely ruin your life.
If you’re using popular cleaning and beauty products, you’re also getting slowly poisoned with substances proven to contribute to autoimmune diseases.
Don’t worry, there are natural-minded companies putting out clean beauty products.
Having healed from an autoimmune disease myself, I know from experience how important it is to keep yourself from toxic contamination and to cleanse.
If you don’t cut off the toxin supply, you can do all the healthy things you want, but you’ll just be spinning your tires. This is because the toxins will continue to provoke an autoimmune response in your body.
On to toxin #3. In my opinion, the most dangerous one of all.
This next one is so sneaky and so common that chances are you already ate this food item today.
Autoimmune Toxin #3 - Gluten/Wheat

So what’s going on with wheat? You might be surprised. Wheat is technically not GMO, however there is something else going on with wheat that’s even worse. Mutation breeding.
Mutation Breeding
What happens in mutation breeding is that the entire DNA of wheat is hit with radiation and chemicals to produce mutations. They look through the mutations and see if there are any new traits which are desirable and if so, it is bred into the new wheat.

This is just as serious as GMOs, if not more. Treatment of wheat with these methods is scientifically proven to generate completely new genetic diversity. In fact, it was found in one new wheat hybrid that 5% of its proteins were not found in either of the parents. That’s just one wheat hybrid. Multiply that by the thousands of hybrids that have been done and you have some very different wheat.
Some scientist say this new genetic diversity poses "a risk for bio-safety" and that the plants with these wild gene mutations "should be discarded." 15
Currently, mutation breeding is completely unregulated.
On top of the genetic mutations, if your bread is not organic it’s likely that it has been doused with Roundup® (containing glyphosate) just a few days before harvest. It’s called “pre-harvesting.” We’ve already see all of the terrible things associated with glyphosate.
Another issue with mutation-bred wheat is that it is clearly proven to induce autoimmunity in the body. 16, 17 The immune system confuses a virus called adenovirus 12 with the gluten protein in wheat and starts treating wheat like it’s a virus.
Then the immune system in turn confuses wheat gluten with the proteins in the intestine wall itself and starts attacking the walls of the small intestine. This is how celiac disease develops. Celiac is a serious disease which affects millions.

However, studies show there is an even larger group of people who don’t have full-blown celiac disease, but are still getting damage the intestinal lining when they eat wheat. Maybe this is you?
When they eat gluten they get symptoms like:
- pain
- anemia
- bloating
- brain fog
- tiredness
Like me, some people don’t notice any problems with wheat until they go off of it for a few months, then try to start eating it again. This happened with me. After a period of staying away from it, when I accidentally had a small amount of wheat, it laid me out on the bed with extreme fatigue.
In short, gluten causes damage in the small intestine leading to leaky gut. This creates holes in your small intestine allowing bad bacteria, viruses, and toxins to get into your bloodstream and cause problems in the different organs in the body.

Wheat and Mental Disorders
Also multiple studies now show that mutation bred wheat is also linked to disorders like schizophrenia,18 autism,19 and epilepsy.20,21 In many of these studies the patients saw relief from their mental illnesses symptoms when they were put on a gluten free diet.
There is also an autoimmune disease called gluten ataxia (A-Tax-ia) in which gluten triggers an attack on the cerebellum leading to irreversible damage and problems with balance, speech, vision, and motor skills.22

In summary modern wheat is a huge problem for people with an autoimmune diseases.
- It has been mutation bred with radiation and chemicals
- Scientist say it poses a risk for biosafety
- It’s often sprayed with glyphosate
- Causes leaky gut
- Wheat directly induces autoimmunity like Celiac, and gluten ataxia
- Linked to mental disorders like Schizophrenia, Autism, and epilepsy
This is why modern mutation bred wheat is the #1 autoimmune causing toxin found in your kitchen.
I hope this information has been as helpful for you as it was for me.
How I Healed My Autoimmune Disease
I did 5 steps that reversed my autoimmune disease and did so quickly. Since I have healed, my wife and I have met so many people who are suffering from an autoimmune disease.
This is why we’ve written a book detailing this 5-step plan of what we did to completely put my autoimmune in remission.
Since it's release the information in this book has started reversing the autoimmunity of dozens of others also!

(Click to learn more)
Remove all harmful foods and toxins
The fundamental cause of all autoimmune disease can be summed up in one word, toxins.
What research is showing is that when certain toxins come in contact with genetically susceptible individuals they can trigger the body to launch an attack on itself through one of several different ways.
Molecular Mimicry: This is a process in which certain toxins, especially food toxins which are similar in chemical composition to human tissues confuse the immune system into thinking that self tissues are actually foreign invaders that need to be attacked.
Bystander Activation and Critic Antigens: In these processes toxins will hide in certain organs or tissues. When the body detects they are there it launches an attack on them but simultaneously ends up damaging and attacking the organs and tissues they are hiding in.

Therefore the first step in reversing the autoimmune process is in eliminating the exposure to toxins which cause these self attacks to happen.
The toxins which trigger these responses can come from many different sources. Here is a list of several of them: chronic stress, poor air quality, mold infections, contaminated water, viral and bacterial infections, genetically modified foods, and synthetic chemicals in foods.
The power of this step therefore is in educating ourselves to know how to identify these toxins and avoiding them!
Heal the leaky gut
When the body identifies something we ingest as a toxin, it attacks. Therefore, if we're continually ingesting foods the body is identifying as toxins, our immune system is continually attacking them. This constant attacking occurs primarily in the small intestine because this is where the body's first line of defense against invaders is. The results of this continual attacking is damage and inflammation in the small intestine which results in leaky gut. Leaky gut is one of the main factors in all autoimmune diseases, so if you have an autoimmune disease you probably also have a leaky gut.
What is leaky gut?
Leaky gut is when the wall of your small intestine becomes damaged and permeable (meaning it gets holes in it). These holes in the small intestine allow large particles of undigested food, bad bacteria and toxic waste to leak out into your bloodstream. Your immune system recognizes these foreign invaders in your body and attacks them. Unfortunately, your own tissues can get caught in the friendly cross-fire and this is one of the main causes of autoimmune conditions.

To heal my leaky gut we used 7 easy natural remedies. On our recipes page I share the onion and potato broth soup recipe which is one of the specific remedies I used to heal my damaged gut. I drank it almost every night before going to bed which was incredibly powerful in healing my digestive tract. It's an amazing recipe because it's simple, delicious and powerful in healing leaky guts.
Our small intestine is where most of the nutrients from the food we eat get absorbed into our bodies. Since damaged vilii in the small intestine comes along with all autoimmune diseases, we are not going to be absorbing nutrients like we need to which results in being malnourished in key nutrients, vitamins and minerals. A whole host of side effects can stem from this problem.
It takes a high-nutrient diet to heal from the years of damage done to your organs and tissues from an autoimmune disease. The high-nutrient diet that stopped my autoimmune in its tracks consists of specific, organic, anti-inflammatory foods that assist the body in repairing itself.
What foods did I use to help repair my body from many years of damage? Plants! Lot's of em. That's where most of the nutrients are. There's even one vitamin that works better than all the drug steroids! It increases your immune system’s ability to differentiate between your own tissues and foreign invaders. I'll share more about where you can find the information about this below.
We are exposed to poisonous toxins regularly and many of these toxins get stored in our body. As these toxins build up they can become very problematic causing many physical issues. In Step 1, I discussed about the need to prevent toxins from coming in, but there is still the need to cleanse out of the body the toxins that have been accumulating for years. Until these are removed from the body, they will continue to create fatigue, headaches, rashes and other symptoms.
It's when people cleanse that we see the most drastic changes in their health. Tumors shrink, blood sugar levels drop, chronic headaches go away, energy returns, depression is reversed, stomach pain subsides, inflammation calms down, eczema begins to subside and the list goes on. When administered properly a good cleanse is like hitting the reset button on your body.
Remove chronic stress
Studies clearly show that our bodies receive physical damage due to negative emotions. This negative physical impact is very similar to the effects of autoimmunity in the body. Chronic stress results in chronic inflammation and disease. The National Institutes of Health published an article in the journal Autoimmune Diseases in which it says, “chronic stress affects the composition of the gut microbiota” and “chronic stress also makes the gut leaky.”7 When we are stressed, our hypothalamus releases hormones that signal the pituitary and adrenal glands to release stress steroids such as adrenaline and cortisol.
Not knowing how to deal with emotional baggage and negative emotions can prevent this entire 5-step program from working. Even if you have been healing physically, unresolved negative emotions can cause your autoimmune disease to pop up over and over again.
As a motivational speaker, I’ve spent over 10 years traveling the nation helping hundreds of people deal with chronic stress in their lives. The methods I described in our Book are the ones I have been using for years. I have personally seen them bring healing and radically change the outlook of every person who puts them into practice.
(7) Campbell, AW. “Autoimmunity and the Gut.” Autoimmune Diseases. 2014;152428.
I was able to completely reverse my autoimmune disease
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• Stomach pain
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What you'll learn in the book:
- How to do the 5 steps that reversed my autoimmune disease
- What are the root causes of autoimmune diseases
- How to cure infections like Lyme, Epstein-Barr, Candida, and parasites
- The specific diet that stopped my autoimmune disease in its tracks
- How to cook and eat out on an autoimmune reversal diet
- What supplements are beneficial and which are a waste of time
- How to safely detox heavy metals, mold, and chemicals
- 7 easy, cheap, natural therapies that heal leaky gut
- How to know which tests to get
- How to remove chronic stress
- How to fix neuro-immmune issues like depression, anxiety, insomnia, and chronic pain
- Which foods to get organic and which are not necessary
- Specialized autoimmune juice recipes
- How I eliminated rashes and skin fungus
- The hour-by-hour daily schedule I did that totally reversed my autoimmune disease
- Exciting new research
- Backed by over 100 medical studies
Also comes with The Autoimmune Manual. This 21-page manual includes:
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1. Barragán-Martínez, Carolina et al. “Organic Solvents as Risk Factor for Autoimmune Diseases: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” Ed. Sudha Chaturvedi. PLoS ONE 7.12 (2012): e51506. PMC. Web. 27 Feb. 2018.
2. Mayo Clinic
3. Mayo Clinic
4. Sarah Ballantyne, Ph.D. “Lifestyle and Autoimmune Disease (AHS14)” Ancestry Foundation Aug 23, 2014
5. Anthony Samsel, Stephanie Seneff “Glyphosate’s Suppression of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by the Gut Microbiome: Pathways to Modern Diseases” Entropy 2013, 15(4), 1416-1463
6. Ballantyne, “Lifestyle and Autoimmune Disease (AHS14)”
7. Samsel, Seneff, Entropy 2013.
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9. Barragán-Martínez, Carolina et al. “Organic Solvents as Risk Factor for Autoimmune Diseases: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” Ed. Sudha Chaturvedi. PLoS ONE 7.12 (2012): e51506. PMC. Web. 1 Mar. 2018.
10. https://www.aarda.org/who-we-help/patients/women-and-autoimmunity/
11. http://www.lupusny.org/about-lupus/who-gets-lupus
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13. M. E. Gershwin, C. Selmi, H. J. Worman et al., “Risk factors and comorbidities in primary biliary cirrhosis: a controlled interview-based study of 1032 patients,” Hepatology, vol. 42, no. 5, pp. 1194–1202, 2005.
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18. F. Curtis Dohan, M.D. “Genetic Hypothesis of Idiopathic Schizophrenia: Its Exorphin Connection” Schizophrenia Bulletin, Volume 14, Issue 4, 1 January 1988, Pages 489–494
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20. Miguel A.Hernandez, GemaColina, LuisOrtigosa, “Epilepsy, cerebral calcifications and clinical or subclinical coeliac disease. Course and follow up with gluten-free diet” Seizure Volume 7, Issue 1, February 1998, Pages 49-54
21. AntigoniMavroudiMD, ElizaKaratzaMD, “Successful Treatment of Epilepsy and Celiac Disease With a Gluten-Free Diet” Pediatric Neurology” Volume 33, Issue 4, October 2005, Pages 292-295
22. Marios Hadjivassiliou Richard Grünewald, et al. “Gluten ataxia in perspective: epidemiology, genetic susceptibility and clinical characteristics” Brain, Volume 126, Issue 3, 1 March 2003, Pages 685–691
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