The Autoimmune 5-10 Day Detox/Cleanse Schedule

Below is the schedule for a basic autoimmune 5-10 day intensive detox. It can easily be much more involved than this but this schedule is a good place to start.
Here’s the Schedule
6 am: Lemon & Water - The acidity of the lemon causes the liver to release bile and with it, all the toxins that have been accumulating in the liver throughout the night. Follow it with 2-3 cups of warm water.
6:10 am: Activated Charcoal #1 - After the lemon and water, we drink about 1 Tbs of activated charcoal mixed with 1 cup of water to bind up and eliminate the toxins that came out in the bile. This way, they won't be reabsorbed into the bloodstream through the small intestine.
6:15 - 7:45 am: Do all the juicing for the day. Fresh vegetables (including carrots, beets, celery, cucumber, kale, parsley, etc.) 96 oz total. Clean up.
7:45 am - Take First Dose of Nano-Zeolite: Start with maybe 2-3 sprays at a time and work your way up to 6. This stuff is powerful so it’s good to start slow. Shake before you spray. And don’t eat or drink anything for 5 minutes afterwards.
8:15 am: Juice #1 - Enjoy the first 16 oz juice of the day.
9:00 am: Direct Sunlight on the Back for 20-30 min - Vitamin D is the best autoimmune-disease beating vitamin since it works like a steroid in helping the immune system discern between self and foreign substances.
9:30 am: Charcoal #2 (or Bentonite Clay)
10:00 am: Juice #2
11:00 am: Modified Citrus Pectin
12:00 am: Juice #3
1:00 pm: Charcoal #3 (or Bentonite Clay)
2:00 pm: Juice #4
4:00 pm: Juice #5
5:00 pm: Charcoal #4 (or Bentonite Clay)
6:00 pm: Modified Citrus Pectin
6:05 pm: Juice #6
7:00 pm: Nano-Zeolite #2
8:30 pm: If needed because you're hungry, drink a potato onion broth and go to bed before hunger comes on
A Few More Points
1. Do not immediately introduce cooked and hard to digest foods like (nuts, beans and carbs) after a juice fast of any length. Slowly introduce cooked and harder to digest foods over the next several days after your fast.
2. Even though a lot of juice is being consumed, make sure to drink plenty of water to help flush the poisons out of the body.
3. You will probably need to take off work or try this cleanse over a long weekend. You will not be able to do normal life while on the intensive detox schedule.
If you are interested to see all the details of the entire autoimmune reversal program you can learn more about it in our book How I Reversed My Autoimmune Disease.
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